About us

Now Dutton are a specialist recruitment agency servicing the UK. 

About us

Our History


1997 saw the opening of the branch in Newcastle and this was also the year some of the key staff from our senior management team began their careers in recruitment.


Our Edinburgh office opened in this year and the year also saw Jonathan Emmerson, Operations Director, join the business.


Adam Sheekey, CEO of the group, joined the business in 2000, shortly followed by James Scott, Operations Director.


2020 was the year Now Dutton was acquired into the Group.  This was an unexpected and somewhat difficult period, as the pandemic and lockdown restrictions made it difficult to cement relationships in the traditional way. 

However, as a result of regular telephone calls and Teams meetings to check up on employee welfare, we were able to put strategies into place that saw the business develop into a stronger position throughout the year.


The recovery from the pandemic and lockdown continued during this period.  The Directors continued to take a flexible approach and supported employees' needs throughout and we are proud to say that staffing levels were kept constant during the year.  

We used our many years' expertise to guide and advise our clients through extremely uncertain times and assisted our candidates with the Government funded schemes such as furlough and universal credit.


With the trials and tribulations of the last two years hopefully behind us, this year we have been able to focus on the future of our business and we have been committed to pushing continued investment in our growth.

We have been delighted to see the introduction of a Nursing & Medical sector in both Newcastle and Edinburgh branches and with some excellent additions to the existing team already in place, plans for the opening of new branches across the UK, we are excited to see what the future holds for the business in the coming years.

Our Values

work ethic
Work Ethic

Our greatest investment is our staff. They drive our growth forward.

about us
engineers conversation

Our Future

The future of our business will be built upon years of successful expansion, service development and investment in our people.

Whilst the growth of our company remains a high priority, what is paramount, is that the business offer continuous opportunities for career progression and professional development.

We have amassed an enviable reputation amongst our peers and have achieved a fantastic level of organic growth through our commitment to our current team members.

Whilst we are always reaching for better, we couldn't be prouder of our workforce and current position.


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